State/Province borders

State/Province borders

Quest Hashtag



USA, Canada

Political Subdivisions
Geographic Scope
Quest Size
Small (6-19)
Last Updated
August 14, 2022

This quest involves crossing each of the borders between a US State and a Canadian Province.

17 objectives
USA + Canada

Quest Objectives

What Qualifies (?)

To complete a state-province border, you just need to cross it (either direction works) on foot, bridge, tunnel, animal, vehicle, or self-propelled watercraft. Basically, in any way except a flying over it in a plane or via motorized boat.

Map of Objectives

List of Objectives

Borders are always listed as pair based on the alphabetical order of the state or province names. So the border between Alberta and Montana is listed as Alberta-Montana, not Montana-Alberta.

  1. Alaska-British Columbia
  2. Alberta-Montana
  3. British Columbia-Idaho
  4. British Columbia-Montana
  5. British Columbia-Washington
  6. Maine-New Brunswick
  7. Manitoba-North Dakota
  8. Manitoba-Minnesota
  9. Minnesota-Ontario
  10. Michigan-Ontario
  11. Montana-Saskatchewan
  12. New York-Ontario
  13. New York-Quebec
  14. New Hampshire-Quebec
  15. North-Dakota-Saskatchewan
  16. Quebec-Maine
  17. Quebec-Vermont

Bonus Objective

Some questers may include Yukon Territory in this quest, which results in a bonus objective.

  • Alaska-Yukon

There are three border crossings that can only be made via boat, so they are not generally included in the quest, but may be considered bonus objectives.

  • Ohio-Ontario
  • Ontario-Pennsylvania
  • Maine-Nova Scotia

Milestones or Smaller Quests

There really aren’t any obvious milestones for this quest.

But you could make a smaller quest by simply choosing to cross the international border from each state (11 objectives), or from each province (7 objectives).


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Quest Finishers

  • (none yet)

Fellow Questers

  • R Scott Jones
  • Jennifer Wiles

Related Quests

🌐State border crossings

Tips and Resources

  • Bring your passport! Duh.

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